Due to the Incoprated Socities Act been updated NZART has to update our constitution.
The Draft constitution of the New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters Incorporated is available for downloading and reviewing.
Council thank you all for your feedback in the past 6 months and we have incoporated your feedback into the constitution
Clubs can now download from our website or use the copy in the upcoming Break-in Magazine with associated remit
Council Remit – Update of NZART Constitution - Constitutional Remit
NZART to adopt the draft constitution as published on NZART’s website, and in the March/April Break-in
Adopt the New NZART Constitution to align with the Incorporated Societies Act of 2023.
Comment: Council do not wish to amend anything other than requirements of the new Act in this version of the constitution. Council believes that next year would be the appropriate time to allow a bedding in period after formal adoption and registration of the new constitution before any further remits are placed to amend this.
NZART Council – Feb 2024
You can download a copy of the constitution, and bylaws.
For any further information regarding the Draft Constitution please contact the NZART headquarters.